Dionaea ‘Venus Flytrap’


‘Venus Flytrap’ is a variable, rosette-forming, evergreen, insectivorous perennial bearing six or more bright green leaves, each with a long, flat stalk topped with a hinged, rounded, trap-like, red-flushed, bright green leaf with marginal spines. Clusters of tiny, white flowers bloom in summer.

The catching parts, or ‘traps’ of a Venus fly trap are actually modified leaves, consisting of two, flat toothed leaves connected by a hinge. Inside the trap is nectar, which lures insects to their death – once the insect has made contact with one of the hairs within the trap it closes, trapping its prey inside. Once closed, enzymes within the trap digest the insect, which can take up to 10 days. When digestion is complete, the trap reopens.

Grow your Venus fly trap in moist, peat-free ericaceous compost, in bright direct sunlight. Water with rainwater and feed fortnightly with live flies, including mosquitoes and gnats. Remove any developing flowers, which can divert energy from the plant.


3 in stock

'WIP Slim Snapper' is a variable, rosette-forming, evergreen, insectivorous perennial bearing six or more bright green leaves, each with a long, flat stalk topped with a hinged, rounded, trap-like, red-flushed, bright green leaf with marginal spines. Clusters of tiny, white flowers bloom in summer.

‘WIP Slim Snapper’ is a variable, rosette-forming, evergreen, insectivorous perennial bearing six or more bright green leaves, each with a long, flat stalk topped with a hinged, rounded, trap-like, red-flushed, bright green leaf with marginal spines. Clusters of tiny, white flowers bloom in summer.