Chamaedorea elegans – Parlour Palm


The parlour palm (Chamaedorea elegans) is a compact indoor palm with attractive light green fronds. Native to Mexico and Guatemala, it’s also known as Neanthe bella, parlor palm (United States spelling), good luck palm, chamaedorea palm and dwarf mountain palm. It’s been a popular house plant since Victorian times, where it was shown off in the parlour, the best room in the house. It’s often sold as a clump of several young plants.

The parlour palm is a low maintenance plant that’s tolerant of low light levels and dry air. It’s a good air purifier too, capable of filtering and purifying stagnant air. It’s very slow growing and may produce sprays of tiny yellow flowers, followed by black fruits, when mature. Parlour palm is not toxic to dogs or cats.

18cm pot

2 in stock


For best results, grow your parlour palm in house plant compost in a bright spot, shaded from full sun. Water regularly during the growing season and feed monthly. During winter, keep the compost on the dry side. Repot pot-bound plants in spring.

For best results, grow your parlour palm in house plant compost in a bright spot, shaded from full sun. Water regularly during the growing season and feed monthly. During winter, keep the compost on the dry side. Repot pot-bound plants in spring.