
Now is a great time to plant Hydrangeas. They are brilliant hardy shrubs that will grow nice and full and will flower every year. They will lose their leaves in the Winter but new fresh green leaves will appear every Spring. Hydrangeas are best planted in moist, well-drained soil and dappled shade… don’t plant them in too sunny a position or too shady either. Their striking flower heads come in a range of shapes, like the big mop heads to cones like the paniculatas. The most popular are the old fashioned mophead and lace cap varieties, although in recent years the paniculata cone flower heads have become very fashionable.

Different varieties of Hydrangeas can be bought for the right place. Hydrangea Runaway Bride is a gorgeous shrub and ideal for pots while the Hydrangea Petiolaris is ideal for planting against a wall and it will climb up it.

Have a look through all the varieties we have in stock and if you have any questions just email us at sales@beechmount.ie.

Beechmount Navan
Beechmount Navan
Beechmount Navan
Beechmount Navan