Blight Control Spray


100ml concentrate

  • For treating late foliar & tuber blight in potatoes
  • Prevents and kills the fungal spores that cause potato blight
  • Contact and systemic action
  • Fast acting and long lasting control
  • Rain fast after just 1 hour
  • Effective even in adverse weather

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Potato blight is every potato growers worst nightmare. Once a plant is infected the disease can travel from plant to plant, easily ruining an entire crop. But now, thanks to Bayer Garden, there is a new and easy way to treat your potato plants before infection ever sets in!

Bayer Garden Potato Blight Control is a new, fast acting garden product that protects against the fungus Phytophthora Infestans, which causes foliar and tuber blight in potatoes. You simply spray your plants during dry weather to protect against any infection.

The unique strength of Bayer Garden Potato Blight Control lies in the combination of two potent active substances which work both on the surface and deep inside the plant.This innovative product prevents outbreaks of disease by its safe and reliable effect on the fungal spores which cause the infection, protecting leaves and stalks and also the potato tubers from the risk of late blight infection after harvest.

Potato blight is every potato growers worst nightmare. Once a plant is infected the disease can travel from plant to plant, easily ruining an entire crop. But now, thanks to Bayer Garden, there is a new and easy way to treat your potato plants before infection ever sets in!

Bayer Garden Potato Blight Control is a new, fast acting garden product that protects against the fungus Phytophthora Infestans, which causes foliar and tuber blight in potatoes. You simply spray your plants during dry weather to protect against any infection.

The unique strength of Bayer Garden Potato Blight Control lies in the combination of two potent active substances which work both on the surface and deep inside the plant.This innovative product prevents outbreaks of disease by its safe and reliable effect on the fungal spores which cause the infection, protecting leaves and stalks and also the potato tubers from the risk of late blight infection after harvest.